See What We Are Growing 

                                   Mamaki Tea

            Honey Products are grown in the Valley


             Neem Tree Plants are grown here too!

Queen Bees Pam, Jody and Jackie continue to succeed at the nursery with their bee boxes - the honey is delicious and the boxes are a work of art.

Selecting plants to take to Hawea Heiau complex and Keawawa wetland for planting - the nursery is where the wetland plants are grown. 


A 4-year seasonal volunteer helps out at the nursery every time she visits her family in Maunalua (aka Hawaii Kai) 



Nursery ambassadors Betsy Johnson (cat) and Big Red (rooster) 



Available for sale at: Aloha Aina O Kamilo Nui nursery located at 965 Kamilonui Place, Hawaii Kai. email: To learn about recent developments on neem, please visit the website and download (free) the 42-page bookle

5-31-12 - As a part of Maryknoll School's Community Service Day, 135 freshmen students accompanied by their teachers were kindly hosted at Aloha Aina o Kamilonui. The visit was a new and rewarding experience for the students. For many of the freshmen, it was their first time on a working agricultural farm. After learning about Kamilonui's importance as one of the last agricultural areas in East Honolulu, the students teamed up to kokua. By the time the group left, several large nursery plots were transformed. The invasive weeds had disappeared and the soil was prepped for planting. To cap the day, the students planted a symbolic hope tree.

5-12-12 - Kaiser High School's (Kaiser Key Club) volunteers help out at the farm.

4-22-12 - If you are interested in volunteering please contact us at

Youtube Slideshow of Earth Day -
4-22-12 - April 22nd we welcome the general public to get dirty with us in Kamilo Nui Valley. We invite the public to stop in at Aloha Aina O Kamilo Nui nursery, 965 Kamilonui Place, between the hours of 9:30 and 11:30 AM to help water, plant, pot, prune, rake, shovel, pile, weed, clean, and more in celebration of Earth Day.

RSVP to: (provide your first and last name + phone number)

Wear long plants, sunscreen, closed shoes and bring your favorite garden tools and gloves or use what little we have. Cold beverages provided.

* New product announcement: Hand made all cedar OR re purposed wood planter boxes available at Aloha Aina O Kamilo Nui nursery-- $25 to $80 - made by new artist Nick of Honolulu Planter Co. (Percentage of sale donated to AAOK nursery.)

Click here to see a photo of: Cedar Planter Box

Celebrate Earth Day and see the progress your kokua has made in rebuilding the nursery formerly known as Chrysanthemums of Hawaii

Aloha Aina O Kamilo Nui
965 Kamilo Nui Place
(Last nursery on the right at the end of the country road/ cul de sac.)

4-1-2012 - Livable Hawaii Kai Hui's participation is ongoing and featured Easter goodies this month at the monthly market event!

2-5-12 The Aloha 'Aina 'O Kamilo Nui Nursery participated in the first Maunalua Communities Foundation Open Market for 2012.

First Sunday of every month from 9 – 1 pm, Maunalua Communities Foundation (MCF) has been hosting local farmers, artisans, food vendors and community groups to gather at Koko Marina Shopping Center in the parking lot between First Hawaiian Bank and Chevron gas station.
This Open Market is held on the 1st Sunday of each month at Koko Marina Center, 7192 Kalanianaole Hwy. in the parking lot between Chevron and First Hawaiian Bank from 10 am - 2 pm. Come and see Kamilonui farmers, other local growers, artisans, food vendors and community groups.
Get your Valentine's Day shopping done, pick up some produce, grab some snacks and you'll still have time to make it home for the Super Bowl.
MAY 28, 2011 - Aloha 'Aina 'O Kamilo Nui is having another clean-up this Saturday, May 28th, from 8:45 to 10:45 am. We are located at 965 Kamilonui Place. You know you've found it when you see the beautiful butterfly mail box. We will be working in the mist house removing overgrown vegetation and old pots. Gloves and tools will be provided though we are still in need of weed whackers (please bring if you have one). Wear long sleeves and pants + closed shoes.

Uala Harvested in May 2011 !
4-28-11 Chris & Maryknoll - Chris Cramer and his Maryknoll students were our 21st century learners, leaders, and citizens of character.
4-23-11 - Students from McNair Scholars Achievement Program, Queen Lili'uokalani Children’s Center for Student Services & the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa "pitched" in to start a new compost pile.
4-16-11 Matson truck all full - Pono and Sara who helped fill our Matson Ipu 'Aina container to the max
4-7-11 KCC Students - from Wendy Kuntz’ class
4-5-11 group of 100 Kamehameha Schools 7th graders and teachers came to experience Aloha 'Aina 'O Kamilonui and learn about ahupua’a, mauka/makai work in Maunalua Bay and our composting of invasive algae pulled from the Bay. Imua!
4-2-11 Aloha 'Aina 'O Kamilonui Cleanup Day !
2-3-11 St. Louis Students - helped “turn” invasive algae into compost
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Est. 2010